Mike powered through on the last tasks of connecting the translator.
The antenna guy was sick this morning, but friends Heather and Lance joined us at the translator hut this morning to install the dish for the direct link to the studio. Here’s a picture of the installation.Van the broadcast engineer met Mike at the translator at 2 pm to hook up the translator to the antenna link. The connection was still not great, so Joel Stefanski came out at 4 pm to clear a few trees for a good line of sight between the translator and the studio.
Success! We are listening to 89.5 in our living room.
And then we had a small failure in a cooling fan for the exciter in the translator hut. A replacement is coming, but we will be delayed a few days in continuing the broadcast from Lazy.
Drop a line and let us know how well the station is coming in where you are.
Tune at 7 am Tuesday Oct. 8 for our first show with David Cheezem and Mike Chmielewski!