Bridge to Everywhere July 23, 2012

Jul 23, 2012 | Bridge to Everywhere

Special Olympics Alaska President and CEO, Jim Balamaci, joined Kevin and Sam on the Bridge to Everywhere radio show.
Jim’s work is nearly legendary in the State of Alaska and throughout the Special Olympics International movement. When he took the helm of Special Olympics Alaska in 1996 it was operating out of a cramped donated condemned building on Elmendorf Air Force Base. At the time the program was struggling with a very small budget attempting to serve several hundred athletes scattered throughout the vast State of Alaska.
Using an extraordinary gift for creating relationship and partnerships with business and political leaders locally and nationally, Jim has created a Special Olympics program that ranks amongst the most dynamic, innovative and successful in the world wide movement started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in 1968.
Jim believes Alaska has a gift to give the world and insists the time is now for us to step up to the plate with big vision, big heart and give it everything we’ve got for the sake of the generations to follow.
Enjoy the recording:
Bridge to Everywhere 7.23.12

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