Saturday, April 6 at 2 pm at Turkey Red.
Community Conversation- All Welcome
All are welcome to join a Community Conversation on the roles and responsibilities of journalism at our annual meeting. We will explore the role of journalism in our lives – everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of background, perspective, or level of connection to the topic. These questions guide our discussion:
- What is journalism for?
- When does journalism succeed?
We all have experience trying to share and gather information in our lives, so we will all have valuable perspectives to share.
This project is supported in part by the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed during this conversation do not necessarily represent those of the Alaska Humanities Forum or National Endowment for the Humanities.

We have four seats open on the Board: three 3-year terms and one 2-year term. Judy Gette and Lisa Boyles are running for reelection and we seek at least two more candidates. If you are interested email Lee Henrikson by April 2, 2019.