and Annual Meeting
Join us for a “Kindling Conversation” on April 2 at 2 pm at Turkey Red, 550 S. Alaska St., Palmer.
After listening to poet Kenni Linden read her poem Salmonberries and Saag Aloo, about her multi-cultural family, we will split into small groups to talk about our own cultural heritage(s) and how we choose to carry them with us.
This structured conversation is free thanks to sponsorship by the Alaska Humanities Forum. Light refreshments will be served.
After this hour-long event, you can leave or stick around for the annual meeting of Radio Free Palmer. All are welcome to stay for our annual meeting, though only current members will be able to vote for board members.
Board members Julie Feaster and Heather Resz are up for election to three-year terms. We can have up to two more board members, one for a two-year term and one for a three-year term. Contact Vice-President Joseph Davis if you are interested in running for the board. We do not take nominations from the floor.