Jul 6, 2021 | Your Health with Dr. Jill
June is brain month. Dr. Jill and Lee talk about the brain in this series of podcasts that aired in June 2021. June 7: What is the brain: an overview of its function, its importance, and its parts. June 14: Dr. Jill and Lee talk about dementia June 21: Dr. Jill and...
Jan 12, 2021 | Public health, Your Health with Dr. Jill
Dr Jill Valerius and Lee Henrikson discuss various health topics. Today: update on Covid vaccines.
Dec 28, 2020 | Public health, Your Health with Dr. Jill
Dr Jill Valerius and Lee Henrikson discuss various health topics. Today: Adult Vaccinations.
Dec 14, 2020 | Your Health with Dr. Jill
Dr Jill Valerius and Lee Henrikson discuss various health topics. Today: more on vaccinations.
Dec 7, 2020 | Your Health with Dr. Jill
Dr Jill Valerius and Lee Henrikson discuss various health topics. Today: vaccinations.
Nov 23, 2020 | Your Health with Dr. Jill
Dr Jill Valerius and Lee Henrikson discuss various health topics. Today: update on best practices during the COVID-19 era