Aug 22, 2013 | School Board Meetings
Mike Chmielewski streamed the meeting live beginning at 6 PM as the Board returned from an executive session. Here is the recording for your listening pleasure: Mat-Su Borough School Board Meeting 8.21.2013
Aug 10, 2013 | School Board Meetings
Mike Chmielewski and LaMarr Anderson streamed the School Board meeting on Wednesday, August 7 beginning at 6 pm. Here is the recording with a small missing portion at the end of the meeting. Mat-Su School Board Meeting 8.07.2013
Jun 6, 2013 | School Board Meetings
Tim Rockey streamed the Mat-Su Borough School Board meeting. Here is the recording for your listening pleasure: Mat-Su Borough School Board Meeting 6.5.2013
Apr 28, 2013 | School Board Meetings
LaMarr Anderson streamed the meeting live and recorded it for your review: Mat-Su School Board Meeting May 1, 2013
Apr 16, 2013 | School Board Meetings
Note venue change : Streamed live from the Trapper Creek School starting at 6 pm on April 16. Here is the recording. Enjoy! Mat-Su Borough School Board Meeting at Trapper Creek 4.17.2013
Apr 3, 2013 | Featured, School Board Meetings
LaMarr Anderson streamed the regular meeting beginning at 6 PM. Enjoy the recording! Mat-Su Borough School Board Meeting 4.3.2013